
第33回 (2019年度)人類生態学研究会

The 33rd meeting of human ecology


日時 2019年6月29日(土)13:00-17:30
Date   June 29, 2019 (Sat) 1 pm to 5:30 pm

場所 医学部教育研究棟13階 第6セミナー室
Venue  the Faculty of Medicine Experimental Research Building, 13th floor, Seminar room 6


< プログラム Program >

13:00-13:05 開会の言葉(梅﨑昌裕)Opening remarks

13:05-13:45 Maricor Carmela A. Ieiri (Department of Human Ecology)
“Family environment and nutritional status of school children in Cebu, Philippines: A socio-ecological approach”

13:45-14:25 Richard Flores Carino III (Department of Human Ecology)
「培養法と16S rRNA系統解析を用いたマウス胎児の細菌叢獲得に関する研究」
“What is the pioneer fetal microbiome in gestation? A culture-based and 16S rRNA-based investigation of mice”

14:25-14:40 休憩 Break

14:40-15:20 高安伶奈(人類生態学教室)Lena TAKAYASU (Department of Human Ecology)
“Predicting mice lifespan from gut microbiomes”

15:20-16:00 中澤港(神戸大学)Minato NAKAZAWA (Kobe University)
“Awareness, behavior and measured status of health in Northern Laos village”

16:00-16:15 休憩 Break

甲斐洋行(東北大学 材料科学高等研究所)
田中利和(東北大学 東北アジア研究センター)
カッバラ レッゲサ(Woliso Leather Kebere Legese)

Yuta Inoue (Management consulting firm)
Hiroyuki Kai (Tohoku University Advanced Institute for Materials Research)
Toshikazu Tanaka (Tohoku University Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Kebere Legese (Woliso Leather Kebere Legese)
“Exploring health benefits of “jika-tabi” with Ethiopia”

山内太郎(北海道大学 / 総合地球環境学研究所)

Taro YAMAUCHI (Hokkaido University / Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
“Co-Creating Sanitation Systems: Trans-disciplinary Approach and Community-Based Participatory Research”

17:25-17:40 総会 General meeting

18:00- 懇親会 party
機山館 Kizankan
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷4-37-20


2017年度 2018年度