
研究室からは,私の他にMaricor Carmela Amoguis Ieiri(D3),XU Zhehao(M2),Zhengjie Cai(四川大学, D3)が発表を行いました.
Maricor Carmela Amoguis Ieiri(D3)
Maricor Carmela Amoguis Ieiri, Masahiro Umezaki. 「Household Food Insecurity and the Nutritional Status of Adolescents and Their Caregivers in San Remegio, Cebu Philippines」
Food insecurity and malnutrition have long-term effects from childhood through adulthood, yet adolescents remain understudied. Given adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and life changes, they are vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition. This study examines the relationship between household food insecurity and the nutritional status of adolescents and their caregivers in Cebu, Philippines. Moderate to severe food insecurity is associated with lower adolescent height and BMI, but not caregivers’ BMI. Our findings emphasize the distinct nutritional needs and adaptations between adolescents and adults.
XU Zhehao(M2)
Zhehao XU, Masahiro Umezaki. 「Association of Demographic Variables with Accessibility to Commuting Care Services for Elderly Who Require Support」
With the process of the population ageing going, efficient allocation of limited care resources is necessary. Focusing on relatively healthy older adults who categorized as require support, this analysis attempts to figure out which of the changes in the population and proportion of the working-age people as a potential labor force, or the changes in the population and proportion of older adults as potential users are more associated with older adults’ ease of accessing care services, in terms of demographic-related variables. Through GIS analysis and machine learning regression models, we now recognize the stronger influence that the demand side has on the accessibility of care services.
Zhengjie Cai(四川大学, D3)
Zhengjie Cai, Chiho Goto, Hideki Imai, Mayumi Ohnishi, Masahiro Umezaki. 「Food Choice Motivations and Nutrient Intake Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Nagasaki and Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan」
Understanding why people eat what they eat is crucial. Our study aims to investigate the association between food choice motivations and nutrient intake among Japanese middle-aged to older adults. The result showed that Japanese middle-aged to older adults who chose foods based on health and ethics-related factors tended to consume health-promoting nutrients.
関家 紗愛(D3)
関家 紗愛,増田 桃佳,水野 佑紀,後藤 千穂,梅﨑 昌裕. 「日本の農村漁村部における腸内細菌叢の個人間変動:栄養素摂取パターンとの関連」
腸内細菌叢の多様性と組成はさまざまな疾患リスクと関連していることが知られています. 本研究では,日本の農村漁村部において,栄養素摂取パターンと腸内細菌叢の多様性と組成の関連を検討しました. 結果として,本研究の参加者において栄養素摂取パターンは腸内細菌叢の多様性と組成に関連しており,腸内細菌叢の個人間変動に影響することが示唆されました.
今回の大会長は梅﨑昌裕先生でした. 今回は英語の発表セッションがあり,Urban Health,Community Health,Behavior and Health,ケア,栄養,環境と健康,多面的健康などテーマは多岐にわたっていました. 発表に加え,キーノートスピーチや企画セッションを通して,健康に関連する多くの研究トピックに触れることができ,健康を多角的に捉える貴重な機会となりました.